Child & Adolescent
"It's easier to build strong children than it is to repair wounded adults"
Children and adolescents may be unable to put their thoughts and feelings into words when they feel overwhelmed or distressed. As a result, they often end up acting out, beginning a downward spiral from which they cannot free themselves. Even the most caring, concerned parents may be at a loss as to how to help. Therapy can help the child or adolescent understand and manage feelings more effectively; recognize and change poor coping strategies; and re-examine negative feelings about themselves and others. The goal of treatment is not simply to overcome immediate troubles but to help each child or adolescent reach his or her full potential in all areas of life and to build a deep, long-lasting strength and resilience.
At Human Trilogy, we recognize that parents and family play an important role in a child or adolescents overall well-being and believe that a systemic approach which includes parents throughout the treatment process is most beneficial. Sometimes this means doing sessions with parents and children together. At other times, this means seeing the child individually and meeting with parents separately to hear how things are progressing at home and offering parenting strategies that may be useful based on what we understand about their particular child. In addition to helping the child return to the path of normal, healthy development, therapy aims to strengthen and restore the relationship between the child and parents to a more normal, loving and mutually gratifying one.
Some of the challenges that we help children, adolescents and their parents work through include:
Dealing with academics and/or social pressure
Behavioral Difficulties - Unruly behaviors, fighting at school/home, bullying, excessive anger, not listening to adults or parent/child conflicts, drug use, self harm behaviors, substance abuse, bedwetting, nail biting etc.
Depression - In childhood and adolescence depression can manifest with irritable moods, anger, lack of interest or participation in previously enjoyable activities or withdrawing from friends and family.
Anxiety - Difficulty leaving parents, excessive worries about the safety of self/others, compulsive behaviors, poor self esteem, indecisiveness or fearfulness.
Trauma - Being a past victim of abuse or neglect. Witnessing or experiencing violence can cause sadness, overwhelming anxiety and feelings of being unsafe in the world.
Grief and Loss - Dealing with a chronic illness in self or family member; death of family or friends; divorce/separation of parents or caregivers; death of a pet.
Relationship Issues - Having difficulty making friends, shyness, hostility, passivity or conflicts with peers.
Help in figuring out your values and planning for the future